Die Serie “The dream of Armor” ist Teil einer Doppelausstellung. Die Komplementäre Serie “Curtains and Wounds” ist ab dem 11.01. in Düsseldorf ausgestellt.
Rimma Arslanov
Laufzeit 06.01. - 06.02.
Baustelle Schaustelle Essen, Brigittastraße 9

The series of works “The dream of Armor” from the last three years was inspi­red by the book “Histo­ry of Chi­val­ry and Armor”, which illus­tra­tes armor and wea­pons of knights from the Midd­le Ages. What inte­res­ted me was the gap bet­ween the beau­ty, design, and aes­the­tic in con­trast to the vio­lent, even bru­tal pur­po­se for which they were crea­ted. A lot of minds and crea­ti­vi­ty were inves­ted in order to expand the bodies of the knights and their ani­mals. From this, I crea­ted figu­res con­s­truc­ted only from the pro­tec­ti­ve lay­er that enve­lo­ps the body in which the armor its­elf is an emp­ty shell that beco­mes the outer skin of the body in rever­se of its ori­gi­nal pur­po­se. The cha­rac­ters in my pain­tings are the “armor” who are given a role in a sce­ne that seems like a strugg­le, may­be as a dance or a thea­tri­cal act


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