Rimma Arslanov
Laufzeit 11.01. - 11.02.
Baustelle Schaustelle Düsseldorf, Brehmstraße 41
Eröffnung 18:00 Uhr
In “Curtains and Wounds” series, skin color takes on additional meaning. In contrast to the figurative nature of the “Armor” series, this series is characterized by scenes that look like landscapes that deviate the viewer’s perception and orientation as it is not clear whether it is painted from an exterior or interior point of view. These are imaginary landscapes that combine different motifs like curtains, ountains, decorative and ornamental elements, and various shoeing. The color tones of the paintings are made of different shades of human skin, it is a juxtaposition that seeks to sharpen a sense of contrast between the eroticism, beauty, and seduction of the paintings, with a disturbing and enigmatic scenery of something strangely familiar and alienated at the same time, that leads to a threatening atmosphere in which the organic traces are blending with the inanimate