Film­scree­ning „Fon­ja“ by Lina Zacher
Thurs­day, Octo­ber 29, 2020 at 7 pm
Bau­Schau ZU GAST @Filmwerkstatt Düsseldorf
Bir­ken­stra­ße 47 (Hof­ge­bäu­de)

Last-minu­te chan­ge due to Coro­na! Unfort­u­na­te­ly, par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the film­scree­ning will only be pos­si­ble with pri­or regis­tra­ti­on via email to

The artist will be pre­sent. Ent­rance free.

Watch the offi­ci­al trailer!

The docu­men­ta­ry „Fon­ja“ gives a clo­se insight into a place which is total­ly iso­la­ted from the out­side: a youth pri­son of the big­gest detenti­on cen­ter in Mada­gas­car. We get a glipmse into a world which is shaped by a strong hier­ar­chy and the obe­dience of inter­nal rules on the one side and social cohe­si­on and soli­da­ri­ty on the other side. The film pres­ents a sin­ce­re tes­tim­o­ny about life in a strict­ly hier­ar­chi­cal, clo­sed com­mu­ni­ty as per­cei­ved by the young film-makers who were given the oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­co­ver and deve­lop their crea­ti­ve poten­ti­al and rea­li­se their own film. — A jour­ney into the dai­ly life of the minors, shaped by their strug­gles and dreams and their gre­at spi­rit to invest all of their crea­ti­vi­ty, ener­gy and inspi­ra­ti­on to make their own film.

“The focus of my work is on deal­ing with cul­tures and the con­fron­ta­ti­on of socio-poli­ti­cal sub­jects with a par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry approach. I am inte­res­ted in human beha­viours in spe­cial and social con­texts and try to work on my the­mes through a prac­ti­cal approach. I want to reach out and spread the gre­at spi­rit and crea­ti­vi­ty of this strong group, the emer­ging young film­ma­kers of the Antani­mo­ra pri­son in Mada­gas­car, to inspi­re and crea­te won­der among­st others.”

Lina Zacher is a ger­man film­ma­ker and artist. She stu­di­ed Art Pedago­gy at the Burg Gie­bi­chen­stein Uni­ver­si­ty for Art and Design in Hal­le (Ger­ma­ny) and spent much time for art pro­jects with kids in Mada­gas­car and the Phil­ip­pi­nes befo­re and during her stu­dies. In 2015 she foun­ded the MIO inter­cul­tu­ral mul­ti­me­dia pro­gram­me tog­e­ther with Del­phi­ne Bishop, pro­vi­ding faci­li­ties for young talents. After seve­ral short film and stu­dent pro­duc­tions, Fon­ja is her first full length docu­men­ta­ry film.

Sup­port­ed by