Emma Løkke "Coherent Stories"
28.06. - 21.07.
BaustelleSchaustelle Duesseldorf, Brehmstraße 41
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In the exhi­bi­ti­on “Coher­ent Sto­riesEmma Løk­ke dis­plays pain­tings that come to live in the
cross-refe­rence bet­ween pain­ting and prin­ting, empha­sis­ing both the making of the paintings
and the per­cep­ti­ve pro­cess of the view­er and the artist. The struc­tu­ral boun­da­ry, or the
open­ness of the painting’s sur­faces, and the semi-trans­pa­rent tex­ti­le make the paintings
color chan­ge in inten­si­ty depen­ding on light and how one posi­ti­ons them­sel­ves to view the
works. The two lar­ge-sca­le pie­ces titled “Recon­s­truc­tion” & “Recal­ling Biting Buttercup
Fields” are span­ned over simi­lar dimen­sio­nal steel-frames and pla­ced across from each
other, though very dif­fe­rent in their cha­rac­ter. They invi­te you in and under­line the intimate
archi­tec­tu­re of Bau­stel­le Schau­stel­le as they open up a space bet­ween them.
The exhi­bi­ti­on is a reflec­tion upon memo­ry and the idea that every time we recall something,
we distort it more and more — to the point whe­re we sub­con­scious­ly start to crea­te a narrative
to make sen­se and cohe­ren­cy of our lives.