Die Serie “Curtains and Wounds” ist Teil einer Doppelausstellung. Die Komplementäre Serie “The dream of Armor” ist ab dem 06.01. in Essen ausgestellt.
Rimma Arslanov
Laufzeit 11.01. - 11.02.
Baustelle Schaustelle Düsseldorf, Brehmstraße 41
Eröffnung 18:00 Uhr

In “Curta­ins and Wounds” series, skin color takes on addi­tio­nal mea­ning. In con­trast to the figu­ra­ti­ve natu­re of the “Armor” series, this series is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by sce­nes that look like land­scapes that devia­te the viewer’s per­cep­ti­on and ori­en­ta­ti­on as it is not clear whe­ther it is pain­ted from an exte­ri­or or inte­ri­or point of view. The­se are ima­gi­na­ry land­scapes that com­bi­ne dif­fe­rent motifs like curta­ins, oun­ta­ins, deco­ra­ti­ve and orna­men­tal ele­ments, and various sho­e­ing. The color tones of the pain­tings are made of dif­fe­rent shades of human skin, it is a jux­ta­po­si­ti­on that seeks to shar­pen a sen­se of con­trast bet­ween the ero­ti­cism, beau­ty, and seduc­tion of the pain­tings, with a dis­tur­bing and enig­ma­tic sce­n­ery of some­thing stran­ge­ly fami­li­ar and ali­en­ated at the same time, that leads to a threa­tening atmo­sphe­re in which the orga­nic traces are blen­ding with the inanimate