22.09. - 22.10.
Opening at 18 o'clock at Baustelle Schaustelle Essen



On Thurs­day, Sep­tem­ber 9th,
I had Taco Thurs­day at my house becau­se none of my pals were free on Tues­day. A key reason for us mee­ting was to record my fri­ends dis­cus­sing my upco­ming exhi­bi­ti­on in Essen and gene­ral­ly about ide­as and whe­re ide­as come from. My end goal was to tran­scri­be the con­ver­sa­ti­on and put the best parts, right here, ins­tead of this text. 


On Sun­day, Sep­tem­ber 11th,
I final­ly sat down to tran­scri­be the 30 minu­tes long recor­ding. I lis­ten­ed to the first minu­te and rea­li­zed that the­re was no way I was going to be able to do it. As a non-nati­ve Ger­man spea­k­er it was cogni­tively impos­si­ble for me. I couldn’t get past the first minu­te wit­hout repea­ting the audio a dozen or so times. 


So I had a bril­li­ant idea — I was going to play the audio to my com­pu­ter so that the com­pu­ter can tran­scri­be the text for me. I star­ted the dic­ta­ti­on pro­gram — it was working! — and left the room for half an hour.  When I came back later to check the final tran­scrip­ti­on— it was all gib­be­rish. Here are a few excerpts:


Exam­p­le 1:

DE: Weil zum Bei­spiel dann dann ist ja klar dass das schon sei­nen Grund da war das aber außen der kommt daher das ich natür­lich gewis­se Dis­kur­se dann auch wie­der ver­än­dern auch so irgend­wo Sachen die ich jetzt in der Ver­gan­gen­heit in Hous­ton hoch­gra­dig Creme abhän­gig und auch nicht so an sing in Greet­siel in krea­tiv sind in My god likes Minu­ten pure pure bei dir Sex weil so letzt­end­lich war­um war­um war­um Mann biss­chen das Gefühl zu haben so sor­ry aber was denn pas­siert hier gera­de eigent­lich dass man da irgend­wie auch so ne Form von power auch haben will das ist ja auch was posi­ti­ves also ne Form von irgend­wie kei­ne Ahnung 

EN: Becau­se for exam­p­le then it’s clear that the­re was a reason for that but out­side that comes from the fact that I natu­ral­ly chan­ge cer­tain dis­cour­ses then again also so some­whe­re things that I now in the past in Hous­ton high­ly cream depen­dent and also not so sing in Greet­siel in crea­ti­ve are in My god likes minu­tes pure pure with you sex becau­se so ulti­m­ate­ly why why why why man a bit the fee­ling to have so sor­ry but what is hap­pe­ning here actual­ly that one somehow also wants to have such a form of power that is also some­thing posi­ti­ve so a form of somehow no idea 


Exam­p­le 2:

DE: Es geht eigent­lich um genau die­se Gesprä­che über die­se Sachen zu füh­ren und raus­zu­ho­len was aus dem Betrach­ter dabei raus also was ist in der Rezep­ti­on das was im Rad ange­se­hen wird die­se alte alte Fra­ge immer noch was ist die Inten­ti­on des gro­ßen meist das ist der Sohn aus der Roman­tik die­ser gan­ze Künst­ler­ge­nie eigent­lich noch irgend­wie über­win­den müs­sen viel­leicht auch schnell rein rut­schen aber das ist ja genau das zu sagen es gibt kein Janu­ary Janu­ary Ety­mo­lo­gie das gibt es ein­fach nicht und es gibt nie­man­den der von nichts wis­sen oder nicht fähig und war­um fällt Kul­tur in China

EN: It is actual­ly about exact­ly the­se con­ver­sa­ti­ons about the­se things to lead and raus­zu­ho­len what out of the view­er ther­eby raus so what is in the recep­ti­on of what is view­ed in the wheel this old old ques­ti­on still what is the inten­ti­on of the gre­at most­ly that is the son from the Roman­ti­cism this who­le artist geni­us actual­ly still somehow have to over­co­me per­haps also quick­ly slip in but that is exact­ly to say the­re is no Janu­ary Janu­ary ety­mo­lo­gy that sim­ply does not exist and the­re is no one of not­hing know or not capa­ble and why falls cul­tu­re in China


A cogent and thoughtful con­ver­sa­ti­on about ide­as and my work had beco­me scram­bled robo-Ger­man. An ele­gant solu­ti­on for a text was gone. This is a serious pro­blem, I thought, as my upper lip and arm­pits began swea­ting. Panic was set­ting in. I went out­side for some fresh air and thought about what I was going to do. 


What had brought me to this point? At exact­ly 22:28 on Thurs­day, Sep­tem­ber 11th, it struck me — in a round­about way I had in a sen­se found exact­ly what I nee­ded for this text space: The robo-Ger­man is like the thoughts insi­de my head whe­re con­stant exter­nal inputs and sti­mu­li are scram­bled and reas­sem­bled into new thoughts and ide­as. Squeezed out into the world the­se ide­as have my name on them, but they are real­ly born from every per­son and every thing that I have ever inter­ac­ted with. Not­hing springs forth from the head of Zeus!