Nils-Simon Fischer "Ausbau"
Run Time: 31.08. - 26.09.
Baustelle Schaustelle Duesseldorf, Brehmstraße 41
Vernissage 31.08. at 19:00 o´clock

Every day we absorb and par­ti­ci­pa­te in the crea­ti­on of infor­ma­ti­on. Accor­din­gly, per­so­nal, public and poli­ti­cal sphe­res over­lap every day. So what hap­pens during this ever­y­day pro­cess and what might it look like?
In my dra­wings, I usual­ly record recei­ved actions and actions in real time onto a pre-deter­mi­ned grid, box by box. The boxes are thus occu­p­ied by signs or — in the case of a pau­se — expres­sed as blanks. In the­se tran­scrip­ti­ons, my tran­scrip­ti­ons, my impres­si­ons are encoded through rhyth­mic lines and signs which I also com­bi­ne with traces of con­cre­te mes­sa­ges and utteran­ces I receive.
My pro­cess is bared by me making all the­se events visi­ble on paper. Bey­ond the dra­wing aspect, I deal with the­mes of time, space as well as the body; aspects that defi­ne the per­cep­ti­on of each spe­ci­fic moment.