Hanna Kuster "Bindung"
Duration: 02.03.-13.04.2021
BauSchau Düsseldorf, Brehmstr. 41
Öffnungszeiten:Opening hours:
Visible through the window, appointments via email.
Art Award 2020
Antonia Rodrian "Schere, Stein, Papier, Wir"
Duration: March 19 - April 18, 2021
BauSchau Essen, Brigittastraße 9
Öffnungszeiten:Opening hours:
Visible through the window, appointments via email
Hakan Eren "Ein Land am Meer"
Duration: January 15 - February 28, 2021
BauSchau Essen, Brigittastraße 9
Öffnungszeiten:Opening hours:
Visible through the window, appointments via email.

The artist will be present in the following hours:

Monday, January 18, 2021 from 6 to 8 pm
Thursday, January 21, 2021 from 1:30 to 4 pm
Every tuesday from 1:30 to 4 pm
Every thursday from 4:30 to 7 pm

Only after registration via email:

Thursdays from 1:30 to 4 pm
  Statement Regarding the Political Intention of my work Hakan Eren Political developments worldwide as well as in my more immediate surroundings preoccupy me on a personal level. I observe these things, but I am not one who admonishes others. In my youth I was politically active on a communal level, but at the present I am not politically active and do not try to interfere directly. For my works I often use fabric, wood and all kinds of found objects. I believe that how and what I chose to…
Julius Linnenbrink "Dance Dance"
Duration: January 12 - February 23, 2021
BauSchau Düsseldorf, Brehmstraße 41
Öffnungszeiten:Opening hours:
The exhibition is visible through the window. Considering the still applying distance and hygienic measures, visiting the exhibition is possible only by appointment.

Tuesday, Jan 12 2 - 6 pm
Sunday, Jan 17 2 - 6 pm
Sunday, Jan 24 2 - 6 pm
Sunday, Jan 31 2 - 6 pm
„[...] Spin, world, spin and send Swifts back and back and back to us again!“ * Stepping out of the door for the first time is always the same movement - and yet every day unique - as I switch the apartment with the feeling of being outside. In that fleeting moment my thoughts are less important, forgotten. The last dream, the to do list, the news, all of that is replaced with a strong impression of affiliation. Connected to all others. They too are on their way. A sense…
Duration: Dec 8, 2020 - Jan 3, 2021
BauSchau Düsseldorf, Brehmstraße 41
Öffnungszeiten:Opening hours:
The exhibition can be seen through the window, appointments via email
At the end of the quiet staircase stands a small building the size of a thumb. It is a fresh and soft house that stands there waiting, built of sandcoloured stone. The walls are all the same size, building a perfect square of a house. One has to go down to one’s knees to inspect it more closely: every wall has five blue windows, and each window is decorated with hanging yellow figures, holding green torches. The figures are glittering in the light, turning and falling, picking themselves up and…
Duration: 13/11/ - 13/12/2020
BauSchau Essen, Brigittastraße 9
Öffnungszeiten:Opening hours:
The exhibition can be seen through the window at every time. The video is being played Monday to Friday, 5 to 8 pm and on Sundays from 3 to 8 pm. Appointments (max. 1 household at the same time) to chat with one of the artists on the outside are possible with prior registration via email to kunst@baustelle-schaustelle.de:

Sunday, Nov 15, 2020, 3 - 7 pm
Sunday, Nov 22, 2020, 3 - 7 pm
Sunday, Nov 29, 2020, 3 - 7 pm
Sunday, Dec 6, 2020, 3 - 7 pm
Sunday, Dec 13, 2020, 3 - 7 pm
Link to video "Notes made of stone". The exhibition will display their first collaborative work. It connects various narratives and points of interest, such as their engagement with films by (female) directors of the 1960’s and 70’s, as well as the question of how mythological women and their depiction are still present in our current society, both linguistically as well as ideologically, subtle or overtly as references. The video collage intertwines images, sounds and narratives, such as sequences that were filmed during the work with the “Friends of Women Foundation”…