Duration: Nov 2 - Dec 2, 2020
BauSchau Düsseldorf, Brehmstraße 41
BauSchau Düsseldorf, Brehmstraße 41
Öffnungszeiten:Opening hours:
The exhibition can be seen through the window at every time, appointments (max. 1 household at the same time) to chat with one of the artists outside are possible with prior registration via email to kunst@baustelle-schaustelle.de:
Sunday, Nov 8, 2020, 2 - 6 pm
Sunday, Nov 15, 2020, 2 - 6 pm
Sunday, Nov 22, 2020, 2 - 6 pm
Sunday, Nov 29, 2020, 2 - 6 pm
The exhibition can be seen through the window at every time, appointments (max. 1 household at the same time) to chat with one of the artists outside are possible with prior registration via email to kunst@baustelle-schaustelle.de:
Sunday, Nov 8, 2020, 2 - 6 pm
Sunday, Nov 15, 2020, 2 - 6 pm
Sunday, Nov 22, 2020, 2 - 6 pm
Sunday, Nov 29, 2020, 2 - 6 pm
Preview of the exhibition "Notizen aus Stein" (notes made of stone) at BauSchau Essen. The exhibition will display their first collaborative work of Arisa Purkpong and Jana Buch. It connects various narratives and points of interest, such as their engagement with films by (female) directors of the 1960’s and 70’s, as well as the question of how mythological women and their depiction are still present in our current society, both linguistically as well as ideologically, subtle or overtly as references. The video collage intertwines images, sounds and narratives, such as…
Closing event in front of the window:
Saturday, 24th October, 3 - 5 pm
BauSchau Düsseldorf, Brehmstraße 41
Saturday, 24th October, 3 - 5 pm
BauSchau Düsseldorf, Brehmstraße 41
Öffnungszeiten:Opening hours:
The exhibition can be seen through the window, appointments via email
The exhibition can be seen through the window, appointments via email
We lived in rock caves and wrapped ourselves in animal skins, and nothing has changed in this regard for thousands of years. Sand sticks to our skin like a wet shirt in the rain. The sculpture is an internalized sensory perception shaped from the unknown in sand and textile. Installation photos Sponsored by
October, 2 - 23, 2020
BauSchau Düsseldorf, Brehmstraße 41
Opening event: October, 2 at 6 pm
BauSchau Düsseldorf, Brehmstraße 41
Opening event: October, 2 at 6 pm
Öffnungszeiten:Opening hours:
The exhibition can be seen through the window, appointments via email
The exhibition can be seen through the window, appointments via email
We lived in rock caves and wrapped ourselves in animal skins, and nothing has changed in this regard for thousands of years. Sand sticks to our skin like a wet shirt in the rain. The sculpture is an internalized sensory perception shaped from the unknown in sand and textile. Sponsored by
Opening: September 3 at 6 pm
03/09/ - 24/09/2020
BauSchau Düsseldorf, Brehmstraße 41
03/09/ - 24/09/2020
BauSchau Düsseldorf, Brehmstraße 41
Öffnungszeiten:Opening hours:
The exhibition can be seen through the window, appointments via email
The exhibition can be seen through the window, appointments via email
28 August - 27 September 2020
Brigittastraße 9 in 45130 Essen, Germany
Introduction: Miriam Hüning
Brigittastraße 9 in 45130 Essen, Germany
Introduction: Miriam Hüning
Öffnungszeiten:Opening hours:
Visits by appointment.
Visible through the display window.
Visits by appointment.
Visible through the display window.
ZU GAST artist talk available on our YouTube channel: August 2020 // ZU GAST / Artist Talk Tomoya Imamura and Joanna Kischka The series attempts to describe a Hungarian present whose post-socialist reality nourishes a new form of nationalism. A people who have been opressed for centuries, whose culture and education has centred around the history of said opression is searching for a new enemy to blaim in this new free, but unfair world. This image series combines documentary photography and staged images, though it remains unclear how much manipulation…
BauSchau Düsseldorf, Brehmstraße 41
Öffnungszeiten:Opening hours:
Visible through the display window. Appointments via email.
Visible through the display window. Appointments via email.
Exhibition at BauSchau Essen. The series attempts to describe a Hungarian present whose post-socialist reality nourishes a new form of nationalism. A people who have been opressed for centuries, whose culture and education has centred around the history of said opression is searching for a new enemy to blaim in this new free, but unfair world. This image series combines documentary photography and staged images, though it remains unclear how much manipulation took place in each picture. Part of this staging are paper-mâché objects, which represent communist‑, as well as…