Duration: January 15 - February 28, 2021
BauSchau Essen, Brigittastraße 9
Visible through the window, appointments via email.
The artist will be present in the following hours:
Monday, January 18, 2021 from 6 to 8 pm
Thursday, January 21, 2021 from 1:30 to 4 pm
Every tuesday from 1:30 to 4 pm
Every thursday from 4:30 to 7 pm
Only after registration via email:
Thursdays from 1:30 to 4 pm
Statement Regarding the Political Intention of my work
Hakan Eren
Political developments worldwide as well as in my more immediate surroundings preoccupy me on a personal level. I observe these things, but I am not one who admonishes others. In my youth I was politically active on a communal level, but at the present I am not politically active and do not try to interfere directly.
For my works I often use fabric, wood and all kinds of found objects. I believe that how and what I chose to work with is informed by the fact that I come from two cultural different backgrounds — Turkish and German. With such a background, one is always both on the inside and the outside of many issues.That is why I have to look at many things from both sides and try to make sense of them within the framework of my very own thoughts.
In my work I always do this while keeping a certain distance to the viewers. This both allows for preserving my autonomy in the observational process as well as giving the viewers space to incorporate their thoughts into the works, to create their own flow of thought.
My works show politically very problematic things like flight, causes of flight, oppression, violence, etc. But, on the other hand, the works always remain playful as well and don’t address the issues directly. For me, there are so many circumstances in the world one must decry. But I believe that this feeling does not determine my artistic work, at least not directly. I think it is okay if my work inspires people to further discuss certain politically relevant issues. But to be able to secure further observation, a different position is needed than that of direct engagement in political conflict. I would not by any means say that I am trying to shift boundaries in this process. I just want to assert that a work always has value if it has a story to tell which is not obvious.
It always gives me great pleasure to produce my work in this way. This, in turn, is a very strong indication for me that what I am doing takes place on a different level than that of political motivation.