Opening on 31.08. at 18 o'clock in Essen
31.08. to 28.09.
Opening Hours: every wednesday 17-19 Uhr

Artisttalk with Dominik Geis on the 28.09.2023


2023 Baustelle Schaustelle art award
Janis Löhrer
Falling Into Places

Janis Löh­rer, this year’s win­ner of the Bau­stel­le Schau­stel­le art pri­ze, is pre­sen­ting in his solo exhi­bi­ti­on Fal­ling Into Places wall pie­ces spe­ci­fi­cal­ly crea­ted for the space. The work con­sists of three parts that work tog­e­ther and inde­pendent­ly of each other. With this work, the artist con­ti­nues his work of an aes­the­tics of dis­cre­ti­on. In various com­po­si­ti­ons he explo­res the hid­den encoun­ters and pas­sio­na­te acts of homo­se­xua­li­ty. On white tiles with blue gla­ze, num­e­rous arran­ge­ments of indi­vi­du­al figu­res, cats and objects were appli­ed, reve­al­ing groups in action, bet­ween them­sel­ves or per­forming shameful ges­tu­res. In the­se pain­tings on tiles, the artist refers to so-cal­led crui­sing, a prac­ti­ce of gay sexua­li­ty, which invol­ves the search for a most­ly anony­mous sexu­al part­ner in publicly acces­si­ble places for inti­ma­te acts. The prac­ti­ce of crui­sing goes back a long way and is the­sub­ject of a que­er-femi­nist art dis­cour­se in theo­ry and prac­ti­ce, which deals with voy­eu­ristic gaze regimes and visu­al cul­tu­re. Fal­ling Into Places shows expli­cit actions and impli­cit gazes- vice ver­sa, wit­hout beco­ming bold. It is much more about a sen­si­ti­ve approach through deli­ca­te brush­strokes to the pri­va­te, that escapes the public in their enti­re­ty: for reasons of shame, inse­cu­ri­ty and desi­re. The beau­ty and vul­nerabi­li­ty of the­se encoun­ters func­tion as a space that shakes up hete­ro­nor­ma­ti­ve assump­ti­ons about homo­se­xu­al togetherness.

Text by Katha­ri­na Bruns