opening 17. May, 18 o'clock
17th. May until 14th June 2024
Aufsichtszeiten: every Thursday 17-19 o'clock AND Saturday, May 18th, 12-16 o'clock

What are the b‑sides?
Are they models of extra­va­gant rooms with a rooms with a wob­bly depth effect?
Or visual­ly con­fu­sing illus­tra­ti­ons? Prin­ted on the back of a package?
Are the­se things illus­tra­ted objects orob­ject-like images?
As it is so often the case with the artis­tic work of Ste­fa­nie Pür­sch­ler, the works have a stran­ge hybrid character.
They are three-dimen­sio­nal, func­tion­al objects (more pre­cis­e­ly, they are the card­board boxes of various con­su­mer goods from cho­co­la­tes to piz­za), which, after an excur­si­on into bi-dimen­sio­na­li­ty (in the prin­ting pro­cess), get a new, asto­nis­hin­gly three-dimen­sio­nal pre­sence. So they have a rela­ti­onship to archi­tec­tu­ral models. Often with Ste­fa­nie Pür­sch­ler, two sca­les are brought tog­e­ther. The lar­ge, monu­men­tal space of the pic­to­ri­al motif inscri­bes its­elf into the mini­mal space of the pack­a­ging, nest­les into its folds and flaps and adapts to its format.
It can never be cle­ar­ly deter­mi­ned whe­ther the struc­tu­re of the card­board was the­re first or the struc­tu­re of the depic­ted space. And as always with Ste­fa­nie Pür­sch­ler, the series lives
on the inher­ent ten­si­on bet­ween the image car­ri­er and the motif; the sur­pri­sing har­mo­niza­ti­on of the­se two poles is a veri­ta­ble tour de force.